Second Trimester
Hello, second trimester! I’m in the second trimester of pregnancy and it’s still full of nausea that won’t let up! Find out exactly what went on during weeks 14-17 of my pregnancy and how I’m dealing. You can simply just watch my pregnancy update video below, or continue reading or both! This pregnancy update covers August 10, 2019 – September 6, 2019.
Pregnancy Update Weeks 14-17 | Second Trimester
Hey fam bam! Happy Mommy Mondays! On Mommy Mondays I’ll be sharing a pregnancy update with you guys. This pregnancy update is all about 14-17 weeks of pregnancy. Yep, I’m in the second trimester now!
14 Weeks Pregnant
Baby is the size of a bubble tape bubble gum.
Yay! I made it to the second trimester and not a thing has changed! They claim that most women start to feel better by now. Well, not this woman! My nausea is worse than it was in the first trimester! I feel miserable and I don’t want to do anyyyyything. I definitely work from home when I just feel blah. Also, my breasts are just as tender as before too…nothing has changed!
15 Weeks Pregnant
Baby is the size of a cootie catcher.
I’m not having any new pregnancy symptoms.
This week I find out the baby’s gender! We were lowkey nervous. I prayed and prayed about this here!
I drank a blue slushy to get baby moving. Yes, I picked a BLUE slushy on purpose. That McDonald’s Tropicana blue slushy had baby lit! He was moving all around for us and we even saw him moving his mouth as if he was drinking.
I wrote a letter to my son before I knew he was my son. Click HERE to read it.
We had our gender reveal party! Watch below.
We had our gender reveal! Is it Touchdowns or Tutus? Make sure you watch until the end so you can see Joia help reveal the gender too! You can also view the sibling gender reveal on their channel here: Were you right in your guess? A lot of y’all were TEAM BOY!
16 Weeks Pregnant
Baby is the size of a Polly Pocket necklace.
New Pregnancy Symptoms: I’m starting to feel round ligament pain. I’m feeling achy and sharp pains. It feels weird when I sneeze or cough. I might even catch a sharp pain when I sneeze or cough.
I have my routine prenatal appointment this week. My weight at the doctor is 149lbs. At this point, I’m starting to feel more constant flutters and I’m sure it’s the baby moving and not just gas now I’m also wearing my maternity jeans from my first pregnancy because my jeans are starting to become a little uncomfortable.
I bought baby’s first outfits from Burlington Coat Factory on the clearance rack and they are just too cute! I got the baby outfits for the low. I suggest shopping there and Ross or consignment shops to find amazing deals on baby clothes.
17 Weeks Pregnant
Baby the size of a pop tart
New pregnancy symptoms: back aches wooo my back is aching like a mug and I’m starting to look like I’m wobbling when I walk!
I went to a cookout and I didn’t feel like I was all that hot but my body and baby said whoa there girl don’t go there girl! So, I was sitting at the table and all of a sudden my vision got blurry and my ears started ringing! I went and got in the car and blasted the AC and downed more water and a Gatorade. Woo lawd, that’ll teach me to be in the hotness. Thankfully Fall isn’t far away.
See more pregnancy update videos below.
When Your Dog Knows You’re Pregnant
My Schnauzer Simba decided to have a seat on my pregnant belly. I guess it was the best spot! Or was he keeping baby warm and protected? How does your dog act during a pregnancy? Is he protective or does he not really care? Is he always around you and near your belly?
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