Babies are everywhere and I’m loving it! Almost everyone I know has recently had a baby or is pregnant right now. I guess that becomes the norm when you hit that 2-5 in age huh? I’m 25 years OLD and time seems to go by so much faster now that I feel that I am getting up there in age. I’m really starting to think about having a baby more now (calm down mom, not like right NOW, but sooner than later 😉 ). Yes, baby fever has been in full effect and all of these cute babies popping up everywhere really isn’t making it any better!
These memes pretty much sum up my life right now when it comes to babies and dogs:
Exactly! Take a look at Simba’s Instagram!
Yup, that’s right. Just see Simba’s Instagram @RawrSimba for what he’s doing of course!
Dog and Baby Safety
Whenever I do decide to have a baby I need to be prepared when it comes to introducing the dog and new baby. A couple of days ago I came across a simple and cute infographic by Family Paws on their Facebook page about dog and baby safety that I just have to share! I think most of the things on the infographic are common sense, but everyone knows that common sense isn’t really common right? I also think it’s a great reminder for everyone because dog and baby safety is definitely important.
There are also other infographics available on the Family Paws website such as Dog and Toddler Safety for those of you with older kids! The Family Paws website has a lot of helpful new parent articles and resources available so make sure you check out the site here. I will definitely be bookmarking the site and pinning some things on our Come Wag Along So Adogable – Furbabies and Kids Pinterest Board and my personal Goo Goo Ga Ga Pinterest Board! 🙂
Growing Up with a Dog
Simba is very good with my boyfriend’s little one. They are pretty much grown up together and as I have mentioned time and time again it’s so cool to watch her grow up with him and see the bond that they have together. Simba will get a little too excited to see her some times if he hasn’t seen her in a day or so. We nip that in the bud quickly and tell him to calm down and he does just that. The little one even says “Calm down Simba!” (such a little repeater these days) when she doesn’t want to be bothered with him LOL. We always keep an eye on them as we should and they get along great!
Do you have any tips about babies and dogs? How does your dog get along with your kid or other kids? Share!
Ann Paws says
Yep – there are babies everywhere! I just had my 2nd 18 months ago and have several friends and relatives with new babies, or babies otw. Great infographic!
Ann Paws recently posted..Why Do Cats Do Weird Stuff?
rinrinflu says
Hello!!! We are new and we love your web page! We don’t have a dog, we have a pretty black cat:) We also follow you on Pinterest (Marina Phelps).
Muchos besitos and take care!!!!!!!!
rinrinflu recently posted..Ni amb tu ni sense tu