Father Daughter Relationships Are Important!
Daughters need their fathers. The father daughter relationship is one of her very first relationships. She has her mother who she’s been connected to in a special way from day one, but a father is just as important as the mother. A girl should be able to talk to her father about any and everything and this kind of relationship should definitely start from the beginning and continue to grow.
I’m definitely a daddy’s girl. I truly believe the bond a girl has with her father is really important and something that will mean so much to her throughout her life. Girls look up to their fathers. Dad is our hero in more ways than one. One of the reasons I fell in love with my husband is because of the bond I saw that he had with his daughter. The bond he had with her reminded me of the bond I have with my own father. It’s such a beautiful thing.
5 Reasons Why Daddy Daughter Dates Are Meaningful
I think it’s important for fathers to connect with their daughters and a daddy daughter date every so often is the perfect way to do so. It’s also such an easy way to make a father daughter relationship stronger. Nothing has to be wrong with a relationship to strengthen it. We can always improve all of our relationships and the relationship we have with our kids are one of the most important relationships of all.
One on One Time
Quality time is essential. Don’t we all love the full attention of someone we love? The hustle and bustle of day to day and repeated weekly routines makes it quite easy for time to slip away from us. With a planned daddy daughter date you are making an effort to make your daughter your priority and believe me she’ll appreciate you for it Dad! Your daughter will absolutely love having you all to herself without any interruptions. So put that phone down, don’t think about work, and enjoy the needed alone time with one of your favorite girls in the world.
Show How a Lady Should be Treated
Dad’s can show their daughters how a lady should be treated. Who better to show a daughter how she should be treated by her future boyfriend or husband other than her father? Hopefully, she already sees daily how you treat her mother or your significant other because she will remember that, but for you to show her by taking her on a “date” is something she will truly cherish. Show her that he should open doors for her, pull out her chair, ask her thoughtful things, and really get to know her. Pay attention and don’t be distracted by the phone. Show her that one should care about her thoughts and feelings. Compliment her on more than just her beauty. Do things that she should expect for her future significant other to do while you’re out, like always treating women with respect and of course let her know that she should treat others how she’d want to be treated as well.
You Can Have Open Communication
It’s just you and your daughter. You carved a moment out of your busy schedule to have much-needed quality time. Let your daughter know that she can talk to you about anything. This special time you have together can be a time to talk about things you don’t normally talk about it. She has your full attention and you have hers. Let her know you’ll always be there for her no matter what. Tell her she can always come to you with whatever issues she may have even if she thinks daddy doesn’t know about something “girly”.
You Can Learn More About Each Other
This quality time together is the perfect time to get to know each other more. I’m sure there are plenty of things your daughter doesn’t know about you that you want her to know. You’re not just her dad, but her friend too. Be her best friend. Let her ask you anything that she wants. There are probably even some things that you don’t know about her. Kids are surprising when you really sit down and talk to them. Ask all the questions! Come up with some questions of your own if you’re doing your own father daughter activity or maybe the event you’re attending will have conversation starters. Ask about school, friends, family, her future, and anything else you can think of.
A Good Example for Other Fathers
Other people take notice of what you do. Fathers lead by example not only in just their own homes but to others who they may inspire. If other fathers see a father taking the time to grow his relationship with his daughter it may make them realize that this is a good way to connect with their own daughter. Another father may see that father daughter bond you share and may want that kind of father daughter relationship with his own child. Sometimes we all take things for granted and a simple reminder is all we need to cherish every moment with our kids.
The father daughter relationship that my husband has with our daughters is recognized a lot. He is definitely a positive example of what a father should be. I appreciate him. Our daughters appreciate him. Who he inspires appreciates him. People take notice and you may help someone else make their father daughter bond stronger just by doing it yourself.
Daddy Daughter Date Ideas
Look for daddy daughter date ideas in your area. Simply do a google search or just pay attention to the local events happening around you. I found out all about the Chick-Fil-A Daddy Daughter Date Night simply from a Facebook post from our local Chick-Fil-A. It only cost $30 for the hubs and our two girls to go and have an amazing time. It was a total surprise. They dressed up and had no idea where they were going. Once they arrived, they were served amazing Chick-Fil-A food, met the Disney Princess Ariel, and even went on a fun Hummer limo ride. The girls were talking about their daddy daughter date FOR DAYS! It will be something they will always remember and cherish.
See how it all went down by watching our family vlog below. Don’t forget to click to subscribe. We post weekly videos on our family vlog channel.
Teaching my girls how a lady should be treated by taking them on a date! We go out to eat and have dinner with a Disney princess, take a limo ride, and play some games.
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[…] leave the dads out. Plan a father daughter date for Father’s Day or any day! Click HERE to read our post about why daddy daughter dates are […]