I write for Dogbook which now has a dog blog called 3MillionDogs.com where you can read blog posts about dog news, funny dogs, cute dogs, dog tips, inspirational dogs, and rescue dogs! You can view all of my posts from February of 2013 until now by clicking here.
This month for 3MillionDogs.com, I wrote two blog posts. I wrote a fun one for Valentine’s Day with Simba’s help 😉 It’s A Dog’s Letter to His Valentine. In the letter, I write a letter for Simba to his Valentine based on what I think he would say if he could write a letter to his doggie girl crush. The other blog post is more serious because it’s telling you 5 Ways to be a Responsible Dog Owner. This month is Responsible Pet Owner month and it’s a great reminder on being responsible each and everyday for our dogs.
I hope you enjoy the posts and look forward to reading more! Feel free to comment on the posts and share with your friends.
Do you like the posts above? What kind of topics would you like for me to write about?
Ruan says
Thanks for sharing those posts; I am on my way to go read them, let me just grab a nice, warm cup of coffee quickly and I’ll see you on that side! 🙂
Ruan recently posted..Puppy Breath: How to Keep it Fresh(er)